Monday, December 27, 2010

today: Emotional Availability

today: Emotional Availability: "My power today lies in my power today lies in emotional availability.I inspire, protect and nurture with reliable compassion, respect, and a..."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

today: Soulmate

today: Soulmate: "My alter ego is a port key to a Soul Mate or deal, whose superpower is compatibility in the midst of reconciling dichotomy to interconnect a..."

Monday, December 13, 2010

today: Recognition.

today: Recognition.: "My power today lies in recognition. I am enthusiastic about, and take pride in my new found validation or potential and will use it as a mot..."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

today: Recognition.

today: Recognition.: "My power today lies in recognition. I am enthusiastic about, and take pride in my new found validation or potential and will use it as a mot..."

Saturday, December 11, 2010

today: Advocation

today: Advocation: "My power today lies in advocation. I have been there, done that and can be trusted to judge, perceive or tell it like it is. I own my author..."

Friday, December 10, 2010

today: Soulmate

today: Soulmate: "My alter ego is a port key to a Soul Mate or deal, whose superpower is compatibility in the midst of reconciling dichotomy to interconnect a..."

Friday, December 3, 2010

today: Reproduction

today: Reproduction: "My power today lies in reproduction. I am resigned to the inevitability of the task at hand because of its inherent value, so I am efficient..."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

today: Believe

today: Believe: "The world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe,it is filled with despair, we must still dare to dream,filled with anger, we m..."


The world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe,it is filled with despair, we must still dare to dream,filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.We must dare to live.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mumbai 26/11

Though I woudn't want to remember the gory past ,yet the 26/11/08 carnage 26/11/06 blasts made me realise how much I knew bombay or mumbai.

In mumbai I revelled in pricking the inflated notions that we mumbaikars harboured about our annointed selves, but these terror attacks changed it all.A chilly November & another July in history

Mumbai witnessed mayhem, but instead of the expected epiphany, within moments strangers were pulling victims out of the still spluttering & consuming wreckage, not waiting for ambulances & stretchers to arrive people ferried them unstitingly to hospitals, within hours blood banks were filled by donors not waiting to be asked.

The terrorists expected Mumbai to die a silent death, But the very next day offices limped back to normalcy, bandaged but unbowed even the lifeline was back on track, in true mumbai spirit.!!,the terrorists should have known better than to taunt a citizenry whose steel is tempered twice daily in the hell-fire of the rush commute Mumbai slaps one with the most brutal realities ,& then socks you with the elevating antidote, can you think of any other Indian city being shaken down to its DNA helix yet with a spine of steel,they chose the wrong city.

My guess is that the clue lies in Bombay rather than Mumbai,in the polyglot pastiche of communities rather than in the parochial monoculture. The can do & won’t die spirit comes from a heterogeneous bunch of people whipped ahead by their individual dreams, they won’t allow anyone to detonate them.

The ultimate distinction lies in the attitude to power, Mumbai has made authority irrelevant. It's people dont wait for the state they pick up the pieces themselves & re-cast them to their own, improved specifications, Just notice next time someone mentions he/she is from Mumbai, the pride dwelling up in their eyes. In case you didnt know dreams come only in do-it yourself kits . THATS MUMBAI FOR YOU!!