Saturday, May 31, 2008

A New Day!!!1

Hi there to all guess wat I'm feelin much better,though no change has ocurred yet,still the anticipation is sayin,something good is on its way,actually I've changed my career course dats why facing difficulties,but it's ok,I know I'll get my way,coz i really wanna be part of the entertainment industry(media)..............& looking forward for that start,.........................tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa I've arrived............

Friday, May 30, 2008


Hi & a big helllllllooooooo to everybody out there,this is Haj here,& I really dunno wat I'm feelin today,I'm an eternal optimist,but an eternal optimist can have bad days too,today is one of those,I'm frustated,yet not cranky,tryin to be hopeful,but then suddenly loose it...............just hope I can be me soon..............fingers crossed.......!!!